This is worst possible case and is about as exposed as one can get online. What the contents of the above resource are.What resource / page I accessed on the website (in this case, /hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html/).

The “host” (or what website I was browsing).Exactly what server I connected to (in this case, the server’s IP address was

When I visit the world’s first website,, my ISP / employer can see:

What happens when one decides not to use protection? Perhaps people who do this are just dabbling with exhibitionism? (I swear, I'll stop). Let’s try and see for ourselves with WireShark, a packet analysis tool. This incident got me thinking - what can a network administrator (be it at school, or public places like a coffee shop) see when I’m on their network?

Looks like HTTPS has been a fly in the ointment in an otherwise perfect unwind session at work! For once, I had hoped my employers would see the entire URL (with the actual resource, not just the domain name). I fail to see what’s scandalous about indulging in some calculus whilst at work, but oh sure, HR chooses to see I visited “ ”, and gets all premature on me (I'm sorry, I won't do that again). What on Earth were they on about? I merely checked my socials, video called a friend, and watched an educational Math video. “Kailash, we’re all for our lovely employees unwinding after work, but there are certain things that are unacceptable at any workplace - even one as laid back as ours!” they said. Allow me, dear readers, to take you through a tale that has it all - confusion, scandal, humor, (almost) termination of employment, and a lesson on internet privacy.Īfter a particularly hectic day at work at a previous job, I found myself with some time to kill and with a fast internet connection at my disposal I couldn’t contain my excitement and had a ball of a time to myself! I was quite puzzled, however, when I was called in by the HR Director the next day.